
DSCN3601I’ve always been morbidly fascinated by end of the world scenarios, even going as far as writing a book based on the subject. Chernobyl has captivated me for the longest of times, ever since I discovered photographs of the area taken by a biker group many years ago. Of all the places in the world, where else would offer a more genuine glimpse at life after the apocalypse? When I found a return flight to Kiev for £80 late last year I decided it was an opportunity I couldn’t miss out on, despite the unstable political situation in the country at the time. Continue reading

Kiev: Eat, Drink and Stay

Places to eat and drink

shatoSlavutych Shato Brewery (Ukrainian)

In Kiev you rejoice when you stumble upon a place with an English menu. Shato is one such place. Although it is pricey by Kiev standards it is definitely worth a visit thanks to its English speaking staff, English menu, great view for people watching and tasty beer. You’ll recognise it easily owing to the giant pint glass sign hanging above its entrance! Continue reading